Please read carefully. You must agree and follow these protocols and procedures to have your child attend the program. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you and your family. We are trying our best to keep everyone safe and follow provincial guidelines. By registering your child you agree to the following points for informed consent.

Daily Health Check

I will check my child’s health prior to programs beginning each morning and will not send my child if they have a temperature, fever, cough or are sneezing. If my child has a runny nose, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, sinus congestion, unexplained fatigue, exposure to COVID-19, I will not send my child to camp.

Sign in Procedure​

I understand that to avoid sharing equipment, educators will conduct sign in and sign out of my child. I will give verbal consent to the staff person to do this at sign in and sign out.

Hygiene Practices

I acknowledge that my child will be willing and able to take part in proper hygiene practices such as regular hand washing.

Tofino Nature Kids COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures

In efforts to keep our staff, families, and children safe during our programs, the following is a list of protocols that will be followed by staff, families and children alike. These protocols are in accordance with WorkSafe BC and the provincial government guidelines and are subject to change at any time.

Keep your child home if they are sick

Check with your child daily to see if they have any COVID-19 symptoms before going to camp. Teach them about common COVID-19 symptoms if they are old enough to understand.
  • Do not send your child to camp if they:
    • are sick with, or showing symptoms of, COVID-19
  • If they have any symptoms unusual for them: 
    • Use the self-assessment tool, call 8-1-1, or contact your health care provider to see if they need COVID-19 testing.
    • Self-isolate until symptoms resolve or as directed by public health.

Additional measures your child can take when attending camp

  1. Clean hands often, including before and after:
    • leaving and going home
    • playing
    • going outside
    • eating
    • using the washroom
    • touching shared things like art supplies or toys.
  2. Cover coughs and sneezes with elbows or tissues. Put tissues straight in the garbage and wash hands.
  3. Masks are a personal and family choice.
  4. Everyone who is eligible are encouraged to get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is not required to attend camp.
  5. Avoid sharing food, drinks, and other personal items.
    • Pack lunches in thermos containers and insulated lunch bags with an ice pack. Send with cutlery if needed. Be sure to pack a full water bottle.


British Columbia Ministry of Health.  (2020).  BC COVID- 19 Guidance for Childcare.  Retrieved on May 28, 2020 from

Muddy Boot Prints. (2020). COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan.  Retrieved June, 2020.

BC Center for Disease Control. (2020).  COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings. Retrieved June, 2020.

WorkSafeBC. (2020). Retrieved June, 2020.