The following waiver is required for participation in any Tofino Nature Kids programs. Be assured that your child’s safety during their time with us is first priority for our Instructors. All of our Instructors are certified in First Aid and CPR and at least one is certified in Bronze Cross Lifesaving.

You are required to digitally sign* the consent on our Registration Form to complete your child’s registration.

Trial Period

Each new child to Tofino Nature Kids will have a 3-week trial period during which the lead Instructor and the child’s family will assess if TNK is a good fit for the child. If it is decided, on either part, that enrollment will not continue there is no further financial obligation.


Tofino Nature Kids will not offer regular programming on statutory holidays.

After School programs will be closed on pro-d days.

Winter and Spring break follows the SD 70 schedule.

Photo/Video Release

By signing the registration form, I hereby grant free permission for Tofino Nature Kids to use still or motion picture images of myself or my child, participating in their programs or events for outreach purposes, including but not limited to electronic or print materials, or print or broadcast media.

Application of Sunscreen, Lotions and Salves

By signing the Tofino Nature Kids Registration Form, I authorize Tofino Nature Kids staff to apply sunscreen, lotions or salves to my child when needed.

Health & Safety

  • In consideration of all involved, please do not send your child to our programs if he/she is ill. Please call to notify us that your child will be absent until further notice. If your child becomes ill during our program, you will be contacted and are expected to arrange to pick them up as soon as possible.
  • Please notify us of any changes in your phone number, address or place of employment.
  • Please advise Tofino Nature Kids immediately of any changes in emergency contacts or anything else that pertains to your child’s health and safety.

Tsunami Warning

If we are ordered to evacuate, we plan to go to the Tofino Community Center. However, the lead program educator may decide that the safest option is to go to the closest point of high ground. You will be contacted as soon as possible. When at Chesterman Beach we will first evacuate to the 4th floor of the Wickanninish Inn until transportation can be arranged to the Community Hall or for parents to pick them up. When at the Wickanninish Community School, we will remain at the school.

Power Outage

Summer Beach Days and Early Years Programs will run during a power outage.

After School Programs will follow the Wickanninish Community School guidelines for when to cancel programming.


By signing Tofino Nature Kids Registration Form, I understand that my child will be performing actions associated with outdoor play such as but not limited to: running, climbing, playing near and in the water, and walking on rocks and forest trails. I am familiar with the usual risks associated with such activities. I allow my child to participate in these activities, and accept the risk of an accident occurring. My child/ward has my permission to participate in all session and field trip activities. In the case of an emergency, I hereby request and authorize a physician, hospital or healthcare provider to provide medical treatment promptly, whether or not I may be contacted or informed. I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the above ­named child, who is under the age of 18 years and who wants to participate in Tofino Nature Kids programs.


Registration is per semester.

Fees are due by the 15th of the month prior to the start of the semester.
We accept credit card payments, e-transfers, cash or cheque.

Cancellation Policy

Tofino Nature Kids has implemented the following cancellation policy based on the time, resources and staffing that goes into planning our programs. We cannot recover these expenses if you cancel. Cancellations made on short notice can also prevent others from attending.

If you cancel for any reason:

  • Cancellations/transfers made at least 14 days prior to the first day of a program will receive a full refund
  • Cancellations/transfers made between 11 and 14 days prior to the first day of a program will receive a refund of 50% of the total program tuition
  • Cancellations/transfers made 10 days or less prior to the first day of a program, or after the start of a program, are not refundable

By signing Tofino Nature Kids Registration Form, I acknowledge the following: